Horakoraka ny an’ny sahona fa ny tsiboboka no tompon’ny rano. Madagascan proverb
My Thomson Reuters ResearcherID is G-8473-2013 Please note: covers only citations listed in Web of Science and is therefore underrepresentative
papers, book chapters
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- Strauß, A., F. Guilhaumon, R.-D. Randrianiaina, K.C. Wollenberg, M. Vences, & J. Glos, (in prep). Opposing effects of seasonal changes on functional and phylogenetic diversity of tadpole assemblages.
—————————————————————————————- 2015
- Popken, J., A. Graf, S. Krebs, H. Blum, V.J. Schmid, A. Strauss, T. Guengoer, V. Zakhartchenko & E. Wolf, accepted. *[Titel follows as soon as published] * PLOS One
- Popken, J., A. Brero, D. Koehler, V.J. Schmid, A. Strauß, A.Wuensch, T. Guengoer, A. Graf, S. Krebs, H. Blum, V. Zakhartchenko, E. Wolf & T. Cremer, 2014. Reprogramming of fibroblast nuclei in cloned bovine embryos involves major structural remodeling with both striking similarities and differences to nuclear phenotypes of in vitro fertilized embryos. Nucleus 5(6) DOI: 10.4161/19491034.2014.979712 Link Open Access
- Urgiles, N., A. Strauß*, P. Loján & A. Schüßler. Cultured arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi or native soil inocula both improve seedling development of Alnus acuminata and Morella pubescens, two pioneer trees in the Andean region. New Forests, accepted
—————————————————————————————- 2013
- Strauß, A., R.-D. Randrianiaina, M. Vences & J. Glos, 2013. Species distribution and assembly patterns of frog larvae in rainforest streams of Madagascar. Hydrobiologia 702:27-43. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1301-z Link OpenAccess
—————————————————————————————- 2012
;-) (a Strauß, …, Strauß, …Strauß,… -paper)
- Strauß, Tina , R. M. P. van Poecke, Annett Strauß, P. Römer, G. V. Minsavage, S. Singh, C. Wolf, Axel Strauß, S. Kim, H.-A. Lee, S.-I. Yeom, M. Parniske, R. E. Stall, J. B. Jones, D. Choi, M. Prins & T. Lahaye, 2012. RNA-seq pinpoints a Xanthomonas TAL-effector activated resistance gene in a large-crop genome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 109: 19480-19485. Link OpenAccess
- Vences, M., R.-D. Randrianiaina, A. Strauß, D. Chinniah Yoheswara, H. Beims, D. Donath, M. Ebert, S. Gebauer, J. Herrmann, J. Klages, F. Kollmeier, M. Messal, C. Momberg, S. Parlow & C. Zumpe, 2012. External morphology of the tadpoles of the Malagasy treefrog Boophis luteus: ontogenetic variation of keratodont numbers and uniformity between genealogical lineages. Herpetology Notes 5: 325-334. Link pdf OpenAccess
- Crottini, A., O. Madsen, C. Poux, A. Strauß, D.R. Vieites & M. Vences, 2012. Vertebrate time-tree elucidates the biogeographic pattern of a major biotic change around the K–T boundary in Madagascar. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, published online ahead of print. LINK
- Randrianiaina, R.-D., A. Strauß, J. Glos & M. Vences, 2012. Diversity of the strongly rheophilous tadpoles of Malagasy tree frogs, genus Boophis (Anura, Mantellidae), and identification of new candidate species via larval DNA sequence and morphology. ZooKeys 178: 59-124. LINK Open Access , LINK pdf with appendix
—————————————————————————————- 2011
- Randrianiaina, R.-D., K. C. Wollenberg, T. R. Hiobarilanto, A. Strauß, J. Glos & M. Vences, 2011. Nidicolous tadpoles rather than direct development in Malagasy frogs of the genus Gephyromantis. Journal of Natural History 45: 2871-2900. LINK
- Grosjean, S., R.-D. Randrianiaina, A. Strauß & M. Vences, 2011. Sand-eating tadpoles in Madagascar: morphology and ecology of the unique larvae of the treefrog Boophis picturatus. Salamandra 47: 63-76. LINK , PDF download
- Gehring, P.-S., J. Köhler, A. Strauß, R.-D. Randrianiaina, J. Glos, F. Glaw & M. Vences, 2011. The Kingdom of the Frogs – Anuran Radiations in Madagascar. In: Zachos, F. & E. Habel (Hrsg.): Biodiversity Hotspots, Springer Verlag, 235-254. LINK
- Reeve, E., S.H. Ndriantsoa, A. Strauß, R.-D. Randrianiaina, T.H. Rasolonjatovo, F. Glaw, J. Glos & M. Vences, 2011. Acoustic underwater signals with a probable function during competitive feeding in a tadpole. Naturwissenschaften 98: 135-143. LINK
- Grosjean, S., A. Strauß, J. Glos, R.-D. Randrianiaina, A. Ohler & M. Vences, 2011. Morphological and ecological uniformity in the funnel-mouthed tadpoles of Malagasy litter frogs, subgenus Chonomantis. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 162: 149-183. LINK
- Randrianiaina, R.-D., A. Strauß, J. Glos, F. Glaw & M. Vences, 2011. Diversity, external morphology and reverse taxonomy in the specialized tadpoles of Malagasy river bank frogs of the subgenus Ochthomantis (genus Mantidactylus). Contributions to Zoology 80: 17–65. LINK
—————————————————————————————- 2010
- Hiobiarilanto-Rasolonjatovo, T., R.-D. Randrianiaina, J. Glos, A. Strauß & M. Vences, 2010. Description of ten tadpoles in the genus Boophis from Madagascar. Zootaxa 2694: 1–29. LINK abstract only
- Strauß, A., E. Reeve, R.-D. Randrianiaina, M. Vences & J. Glos, 2010. The world’s richest tadpole communities show functional redundancy and low functional diversity: ecological data on Madagascar’s stream-dwelling amphibian larvae. BMC Ecology 10: 12. LINK OpenAccess
—————————————————————————————- 2009
- Randrianiaina, R.-D., L. Raharivololoniaina, C. Preuss, A. Strauß, F. Glaw, M. Teschke, J. Glos, N. Raminosoa & M. Vences, 2009. Descriptions of the tadpoles of seven species of Malagasy treefrogs, genus Boophis. Zootaxa 2021: 23–41. LINK
- Randrianiaina R.-D., R. Navarro Antúnez, J. Canitz, F. Forth, I. Lemme, B. Rodríguez, H. Rinas, R. Thänert, P. Tröger, N. Westphal, A. Willim, K. C. Wollenberg, A. Strauß & M. Vences, 2009. Vogue or adaptive character? A tadpole’s goatee helps to distinguish two cryptic treefrog species of the genus Boophis. Herpetology Notes 2: 165–173 LINK OpenAccess
- Schmidt, H., A. Strauß, F. Glaw, M. Teschke & M. Vences, 2009. Description of tadpoles of five frog species in the subgenus Brygoomantis from Madagascar (Mantellidae: Mantidactylus). Zootaxa 1988: 48–60. LINK abstract only
—————————————————————————————- 2008
- Schmidt, H., A. Strauß, E. Reeve, A. Letz, A.-K. Ludewig, D. Neb, R. Pluschzick, R.-D. Randrianiaina, D. Reckwell, S. Schröder, A. Wesolowski & M. Vences, 2008. Descriptions of the remarkable tadpoles of three treefrog species, genus Boophis, from Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 1: 49–57. LINK OpenAccess
- Strauß, A., K. Y. Solmsdorff, R. Pech & J. Jacob, 2008. Rats on the run: removal of alien terrestrial predators affects bush rat behaviour. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1551–1558. LINK